Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment

About the Georgia Ethics Assessments

The Georgia Ethics assessments are training and assessment programs composed of a series of modules that combine instruction and testing. The goal is to help teachers and educational leaders become familiar with, understand, and apply the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators, as well as comprehend and embrace the principles of ethical decision making in an educational context.

These assessments focus on professionalism in education — relationships with students, schools, colleagues, and the communities — as well as on ethical understanding to guide decision making, and the specific regulations and expectations that teachers and educational leaders face in Georgia.

They are composed of the following assessments:

How Are These Assessments Different From Other GACE® Assessments?

The Georgia Ethics assessments are coupled with an embedded training program that offers a "learn by doing" approach around true-to-life scenarios, including actions, dispositions, and values. Designed not only to reinforce ethical standards or "code" these assessments also allow candidates to navigate through "real life" scenarios, deepening their understanding of obligations and situations to clarify how to avoid risk. Learning modules in each assessment are followed by end-of-module tests related to what candidates have learned in the modules.

What Are the Assessments Like?

The Georgia Ethics assessments each consist of seven interactive modules that combine instruction and testing. The modules instruct through video, gaming, and self-guided learning. Five of the modules include an end-of-module test with immediate feedback as well as an end-of-course, or summative, test.

For more information about what is covered in each module, see Assessment Content.

Who Needs to Take These Assessments and When?

The Georgia Ethics assessments are required for educator and educational leadership candidates who are entering an educator preparation program or who have completed their program and are seeking beginning educator or educational leadership certification. For more information, see:

How Are the Assessments Given?

The Georgia Ethics assessments are computer delivered. Test takers can access either of the Georgia Ethics assessments with their computer or tablet from home, or anywhere they have internet access, by logging into a secure web service and completing the modules online.

The assessments can be taken at any time once eligibility has been granted; however, program providers are encouraged to only provide eligibility for their candidates for the specific test they should be taking at that time to avoid test takers accessing an assessment they are not yet ready to complete. There are no specific testing dates or testing windows assigned for this assessment. See information about eligibility.

How Are They Scored?

The Georgia Ethics assessments are scored electronically. Scores are available to program providers through ETS® Data Manager for GACE.

For more information, including how to use scores, see Scores.

What Is the Role of the Program Provider?

As a program provider, your role regarding the Georgia Ethics assessments is to:

  • provide approval to test for your teacher or educational leadership candidates to take Educator Ethics or Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership toward the end of their preparation program, but prior to program completion
  • help your candidates prepare to take the assessment
  • use the results of the assessment to help guide your ethics curriculum and instruction

The process for providing approval to test for the Georgia Ethics assessments is same as it is for all other GACE assessments.