About the Test Content
The test consists of 90 selected-response questions in the core subject areas of reading, writing, and math. Approximately two-thirds of the questions focus on basic skills and knowledge, while the remaining one-third focus on applying skills in the classroom.
What is the Reading Level of the Test?
Question wording is simple and direct to promote clarity for a wide range of test takers. The language reflects the reading level that most paraprofessionals face when working with P–12 students.
Why Aren't There Different Levels of the Test?
There are different levels of paraprofessionals — elementary, middle, secondary — so why aren't there different levels of the Paraprofessional assessment? The No Child Left Behind Act doesn't make distinctions between school grade levels; it holds all instructional paraprofessionals to the same high standard of content readiness. The GACE® Paraprofessional assessment reflects the core reading, writing, and math knowledge that all instructional paraprofessionals in the state of Georgia are expected to demonstrate.