Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment

Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership Assessment

The Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership assessment is designed for educational leaders (principals/assistant principals and superintendents/assistant superintendents). It focuses on the unique role educational leaders play in fostering an ethical and professional culture within their schools. The modules include many of the same scenarios contained in the Georgia Educator Ethics assessment. Leaders are asked to consider these from the perspective of an educational leader. It also includes scenarios that educational leaders might encounter within the school, or amongst colleagues and other school administrators.

Who Needs to Take This Assessment?

  • All candidates admitted (enrolled and taking classes) to any GaPSC-approved Educational Leadership program (non-tiered program or the new tiered model) on or after July 1, 2016, must pass the Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership assessment prior to becoming enrolled.
  • A candidate who completes this program entry requirement for Tier I, does not have to complete it again for Tier II.

Please note that some candidates may have to pass the assessment for state certification. Please contact regarding your individual certification questions.

For more information, see eligibility and registration.

What Is Included in the Assessment?

See information about the modules that make up the Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership assessment.

See also: