GACE® Teacher Leadership Scores

How Is the Assessment Scored?

Each task is broken down into three steps, and each step in the assessment is scored based on a 4-point rubric that delegates scores based on how well you encompassed all of the required Georgia Teacher Leadership Standards in your submission. Steps are rated on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest possible score. If a step is unable to be scored for any reason, it is scored as Nonscorable and a score of 0 is applied to the step.

Each step in the assessment is initially scored by one rater. If the total task score falls within a defined range of the overall passing requirement, an additional rater will independently score the task. The step scores assigned by the two raters will be averaged. If the total task scores from the two raters differ by more than 3 points, an additional rater will independently score the task to ensure a fair, accurate overall score. The individual step scores are the average of the ratings. The task score is the sum of the underlying step scores. The task scores are then summed into a total composite score. The possible score range for each task is 3–12, and the total number of points that can be earned in the assessment is 72.

Your score report will include a score for each step within the task with feedback, the total score for each task, and a composite score of all six tasks and their steps.

When Are My Scores Reported?

Fall 2024 Testing

Submission Window September 2, 2024–November 5, 2024*
Score Reporting Date December 20, 2024

Spring 2025 Testing

Submission Window January 3, 2025–March 20, 2025*
Score Reporting Date May 6, 2025

Resubmission Windows

Spring 2024 Resubmission Window 1

Resubmission Window May 3, 2024–May 24, 2024*
Score Reporting Date June 14, 2024

Spring 2024 Resubmission Window 2

Resubmission Window September 2, 2024–November 5, 2024*
Score Reporting Date December 20, 2024

Fall 2024 Resubmission Window 1

Resubmission Window December 20, 2024–January 14, 2025*
Score Reporting Date January 26, 2025

Fall 2024 Resubmission Window 2

Resubmission Window January 3, 2025–March 20, 2025*
Score Reporting Date May 6, 2025

Spring 2025 Resubmission Window 1

Resubmission Window May 6, 2025–May 24, 2025*
Score Reporting Date June 14, 2025

Spring 2025 Resubmission Window 2

Resubmission Window TBD
Score Reporting Date TBD

* All tasks are due by 2 p.m. ET on this date.

How Do I Get My Scores?

Official score reports are made available via your testing account in the Teacher Leadership submission system. Your scores are automatically sent to your program provider, the GaPSC, and any score recipients you designated at the same time as they are made available to you.

What Does My Score Report Include?

Your score report contains:

  • your name
  • score(s)
  • pass/no pass score information

Download a sample score report.

What Qualifies as a Passing Score?

In order to pass the Teacher Leadership assessment, you must submit a scorable response for each step and meet the minimum cut score. A scorable step response:

  • addresses the guiding prompts/questions
  • is not determined by certified raters to be off-topic
  • includes required artifacts that are not blurry, illegible or contain an image that is too small to read
  • receives a score greater than "0"

The total number of points possible for all six tasks combined is 72. You must receive a minimum of 42 total points to pass the assessment.

What Happens If I Do Not Submit a Task?

For initial submissions, a score of zero will be applied to the missing task when calculating your overall composite score for the assessment.

For resubmissions, your scores will remain as originally reported.

Understanding Your Scores

You received your score report. What does it all mean? For more detailed information about what your score report includes, how to interpret your score report, and the score scales used to rate your performance on a GACE assessment, see Understanding Your GACE Scores.

Score Information

Your score information is intended only for you, the GaPSC, your program provider (if applicable), and your designated score recipients. However, background information, as noted during the registration process, is reported to the state of Georgia and some institutions.

ETS will not release your score information at the request of institutions or agencies except:

  • For use in research studies, scoring, and statistical analyses approved by the GaPSC and that preserve your anonymity.
  • When information is required under compulsion of legal processes, in which case your score record and the documents (including, but not limited to, photos and documents completed at check-in on test day) that are retained at ETS may be released to third parties, e.g., government agencies, parties to a lawsuit, etc., if requested pursuant to a subpoena or required by applicable law.
  • Sections 205 through 208 of Title II of the Higher Education Act (HEA), as amended in 2008, require all states that require testing for certification to provide that agency with annual performance data for students completing their state-approved teacher preparation programs. If you are enrolled in a Georgia preparation program in a given cohort year, your preparing institution will collect and forward your score information to the state for inclusion in the federally mandated educator preparation performance report. The report will contain aggregate data only and will not include any information that identifies test takers.

Note: Whenever ETS has confirmed that you have submitted a GACE score directly to an educational institution, agency, or district in satisfaction of one of its requirements, ETS will respond to requests for score verification from that recipient.

Responses may be used for training raters and in new test preparation materials. Test preparation materials demonstrate how the test is administered and the skills that are necessary to succeed. Test-taker information, such as names and addresses, is not included when scored responses are used for these purposes. Rater training is essential to ensure that tests are scored in a fair and consistent manner. The use of your responses will benefit future test takers by helping to improve the training of raters, just as the scoring of your test will benefit from the use of prior test-takers' responses.


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M–F, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. ET